A Playful Special Time at the Bus Stop



My son is eleven and, at his age, just being seen with Mom is embarrassing. Still, I go with him each morning to wait for the school bus.

We used to stand at the school bus stop each morning, with him looking at his shoes and trying not looking at me, until one day when there were a lot of icy puddles on the road.

In his new sneakers and clean school clothes, he started sliding around on the ice, slipping now and then. I noticed him peeking at me to see if I was watching, so I put on a big show, worrying that he would fall, covering my eyes, and saying, “Oh, no!”

Since then, he asks me to come along every day, and picks new and more perilous things to ‘scare’ me with every week; walking on a nearby rock wall, then ‘falling’ off, raking his white cloth sneakers through the green staining grass, ‘slipping’ in the loose gravel.

It seems to be a way for him to playfully work through some of the hard things about being a kid and being told to be careful all the time. And it’s a chance for us to have 5 minutes of Special Time every single day. Otherwise we’d just be two people waiting for the bus.

–a mother from Boalsburg, PA

Messy Loud Real-Life ParentingRead Why Special Time Helps You and Your Tween and how Special Time Helps a Preteen Open Up

For more suggestions on how to use Special Time, check out our free video series and a step-by-step guide to using Special Time. Get your videos now.

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