Offering Support to A Challenged Infant

My daughter gave birth to a full-term 7 lb baby boy, with an Apgar score of 1, who couldn’t breathe on his own. He needed to be flown to a children’s hospital 90 miles away. My daughter’s dad drove her and her husband to the city to meet their baby when he arrived. I stayed behind to be with him, to make sure there was always family nearby.

My grandson kept having life-threatening emergencies–it took a good while to get him stabilized. I stayed right beside him, talking him through it all. Drugged up on morphine, he kept one eye open finding my eyes. I talked about what was happening, what people were doing to help him, how we would not leave him alone and would help him fight, that it was worth the fight, that I believed he could make it. After 2 hours or more, he was ready to be flown down, and I accompanied him on the flight. I felt very good about my participation in the fight for his life.

Since then, I want to tell you what a huge difference your podcast on “Helping Your Baby Sleep” is making for my daughter and her husband and newborn infant. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. That podcast is brilliant, and our little fellow, who had such a rough first hours and week of life, is getting listened to AND sleeping, so his Mommy and Daddy are, too.

Saturday and Sunday they listened to the crying he needed to do (Staylistened with him), and lo and behold, Sunday night he was able to sleep in his co-sleeper for several hours with just a hand on him. It was the first time that he slept without being held since they had brought him home from the hospital a week ago! He continues to need plenty of Staylistening each day, as I would expect, but he is nursing well, and he is thriving!

– Shelley in Bellingham

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