We’re in the mood to celebrate! 100,000 podcast downloads (And Free Giveaway)

By Elle Kwan

Wow! This week, almost overnight it happened! Way back in October, Abigail and I couldn’t have imagined the ride we’d have making this podcast and connecting with all of you.

And now?

100,000 downloads! Now, that feels like something to celebrate!

Stay tuned to win one of 5 free entry’s to Hand in Hand’s Parent Club at the end of this post. First, we want to take you on a little journey…

The Making Of the Hand in Hand Podcast

Due credit has to go to Hand in Hand’s most generous and genius Julianne Idleman who first imagined and then proposed the idea of a podcast last fall. She’s always looking for inventive ways to bring Hand in Hand to more parents, and I think we can all safely say this way is working!

My immediate response was a “Say what?!” followed by a few hours in shock and bafflement as I wondered if anyone might ever understand my sloppy South London accent (even other South Londoners have been known to frown when I talk). But I then set promptly to pronouncing my “T’s” in front of the mirror (Yes, my kids thought I had gone bonkers) as I prepared to meet my soon-to-be co-host Abigail…

Abigail, an actual voiceover artiste, as well as a highly knowledgeable and wise Hand in Hand instructor, won everyone over with her excitement for the project, and her immense warmth set my initial stage fright at ease. Such is her can-do attitude (wait, control issues?) she immediately held up her hand and volunteered to take on the recording and sound roles.

Although we actually record from different time zones on the other side of the world, it’s Abigail that makes it sound like we are sitting cuddled up next to each other on the couch. (Someday we do hope to record an episode like that!).

And so, we proceeded to our very first episode. Can you spot the nerves?

Meet Elle and Abigail: The So-Called Glamorous Life of a Podcaster

With our sound equipment bought, tested and in place, and our welcome broadcast complete, we set about making our podcast a weekly event. Since Abigail lives in the California hills and I am far away, housed up high in a Hong Kong skyscraper, we had a hard job matching schedules.

It’s normally Abigail’s very early morning and my late night when we record, and don’t imagine it’s a glamorous affair!

Sure, the microphones make us feel pretty pro, but Abigail has to hit pause every time one of the legendary garbage trucks chug past outside her recording studio shed, which is often.

I, meanwhile, have found the quietest, most Internet-accessible spot in my apartment is on a multi-colored rug on the floor of our playroom. My companions are my trusty Chihuahua Oreo, who insists on being around for every episode, and whose snores Abigail has to edit out, and a talking pony toy, who, in my opinion, has way too much to say!

But neither of us would be without this experience.

Each week, we meet, we learn a little more about each other, and all of you, and our roles in parenting, and that feels amazing.

From the very start, your support has been astounding, and a guiding light to what we talk about each week.

There have been light, chatty episodes:

Special Time: Great for Kids, Difficult for Adults?

Some have been more serious and intentional:

Rebuilding Hope When We Are Shocked of Scared by World Events

Some thought-provoking and challenging:

Rethinking Tickling: Why You Might Want To Rethink Tickling Kids

Others accessible “how-to’s” with parenting tips and tricks:

Curb Off-track Behavior with A Secret Ninja Parenting Tool

And always your generous comments and feedback have helped us grow and shape what we record next. If you want to get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us through our Facebook Hand in Hand Podcast Page.

Highlight Episodes on The Podcast

It’s hard to pinpoint the highlights since each episode, for me, brings aha moments.

One “Aha!” that stands out in my mind was Lawrence Cohen’s remarks about trusting kids in their choice of play our episode on Aggressive and Risky Play. That kids know what to play and when to play it. I worry that I might not be “funny enough” to get laughter going, but his comments that kids know what makes them laugh best and that we only need to follow has been a real boost in our household.

Another came in our episode on kids with leaky cups, when Abigail hinted that my own feelings might be tied up in the issue more than I thought. Her insights are always to enlightening. It’s here if you want to listen: How Much is Too Much? How to Help Kids That Need Constant Attention

Abigail’s idea to produce an episode featuring you, our listeners, Real Life Stories from parents Using Hand in Hand Tools was one of our most downloaded and remains one of Abigail’s favorites. Your stories of triumph sang out loud, clear, and beautiful. Another was our chat with Micheal Gurian, Raising Girls and Boys Differently, According to Brain Science which had you, listeners, divided.

Win Your Place in Hand in Hand’s Parent Club

One of our most recent episodes, Handling Parent Stress: Why You Can’t Give What You Didn’t Have hit an all-time high in terms of downloads, showing us that you beautiful, wise parents, who are doing such wonderful work raising your children, really resonated in hearing about the hard work, the struggles, and the challenges parenting brings.

And so now, we wanted to share with you some support for the immense effort and wisdom you bring to your parenting, and to say a huge thank you for your support in listening to us each week. To celebrate 100,000 we’d like to invite five of you to join the Hand in Hand Parent Club online community for free.

In this club, you get daily support and community from like-minded parents and instructors with deep knowledge of the tools. Parents here post their questions, discuss their challenges and celebrate their wins in a dedicated group moderated by two wonderful instructors, Kathy Gordon and Emily Gray Murray. You get to be in that vibrant community of passionate parents.

Daily Support, Advice, Inspiration and Community

Our instructors also invite you to join weekly live calls where they can answer your questions in real-time.

And Patty Wipfler, Hand in Hand Parenting’s founder, is in the Parent Club regularly, offering her insights and wisdom on all the questions you may have about your children. 

As an added bonus you also get access to our Setting Limits and Building Cooperation online class, which you can take at any time. 

Plus, you’ll get also free resources and cheatsheets, updates on what parents are talking about and what we publish here on the blog, keeping you informed and in the loop on all things Hand in Hand.

The Parent Club is the place to gain support and reduce the stress of parenting. Your online parenting village awaits!

Enter Now! Share Your Favorite Episode

To be in with a chance of winning do any of these 3 things:

  • Share your favorite podcast episode on your Facebook page and tag us
  • Share the episode on your Instagram feed and use the hashtag #handinhandpodcast or #changeparenting
  • Aren’t on social media? Simply share your favorite podcast here in the comments

To see all of our episodes go here: Hand in Hand Parenting Podcast Episodes

When you have shared your post, enter right here to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We have our fingers crossed for you!

Here’s to many more Hand in Hand Podcasts with you.


Hand in Hand's Parent Club

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