Your Blueprint for Building Better Habits and Good Behavior

So, you want your kids to walk in the door, hang their jacket, unpack their bags, eat quickly and get back out the door, freshly changed, for practice.

But right now you are at, well, walk in the door.

BOOM! Cue screaming, crying, defiance and running in the exact opposite direction that you need.

So how do you get from where you are now, to where you want to be with your kids?

This week’s podcast was inspired by a mom that worked with Abigail and feels like she can’t get her child to do ANYTHING.

Elle sympathizes, explaining that there has been a serious lack of ‘tidy up practice’ at home that can, at times, have her pulling her hair out.

Your Blueprint for Building Better Habits and Good Behavior

Together we talk about why things might be hard, and the steps we can take to encourage good behavior and better habits in our kids – without losing it.

It can be really difficult to meet your child where they are, but these moments of struggle to master new habits can offer great opportunities to connect with your child at a deep level and bring about profound shifts.

Why Building Better Habits Is An Opportunity to Deepen the Relationship

Discover key ideas that you can start doing right now to encourage better habits and behavior – and why you shouldn’t expect too much too soon.

Listen to Your Blueprint for Better Habits and Good Behavior, and please let us know how you like these ideas.

Listen to episode:

More Resources for Encouraging Good Behavior and Better Habits

Learn what it means to partner with your child: In this week’s podcast, we talk a lot about meeting your child where they are before moving on. You can read more about this in this post Partnering with Your Child To Solve Their Issues and read one mom’s story of how this worked for her.

Work with Abigail Wald: Abigail can show you how to meet your child where they are, and respond in a way that builds connection and closeness in her 30-Day Reset. Sign up to join before her new reset fills.

keep connected

We’d love to hear about your parenting challenges. You can follow Hand in Hand on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Be sure to drop Elle and Abigail a message at

The Parent Club is our monthly membership where we really put the Hand in Hand Tools to work with our families. Click here to learn more and get the support you need and deserve.

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