Change the Way You Play and Reduce Power Battles With Your Child

Isn’t play childish? Isn’t it a waste of time? Isn’t play pointless? Patty addresses these three adult biases towards play and then shows you how play can actually help you become closer to your child.

Watch and learn why play is a surprising way to turn struggles between you and your child around, and the big things you should know about how to play so you can see this change in your family too.

Patty talks about power in play and setting up play well, so you foster a happier household, with more fun, giggles and snuggles, and how, through playing this way, you can learn about the issues that affect your child’s behavior – and handle them positively.

Watch Now! Discover play that solves power struggles and de-stress your parenting:

  • 1.50 – What is this mystical way to play anyway, and why is it different from other play? (Patty calls it the “Frosting on the cake of play.”
  • 4.30 – What your kids are really doing when they set play up so YOU lose and THEY win – and why this is brilliant. (Hint – roll with it, and you’ll see big turnarounds in your relationship with them.)
  • 5.25 – How playing like this often boosts your own sense of self-worth as a parent.
  • 6.00 – Not so excited about play? We hear you. Listen to this section to learn why it can be daunting and hard, with ideas on how to work through it.
  • 7.05 – Those three biases in play we mentioned above, where they come from, and why we need to bust these myths for the sake of ourselves and our kids.
  • 9.55 – What you can look for during play to learn more about the fears and issues on your child’s mind.
  • 10.45 – The steps you can take to begin playing this way.

Click to Watch Now:

Get started with Playlistening

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Patty’s book Listen shares five powerful tools that give you all you need to create harmony at home, no matter the hard times you may have faced already. You’ll learn how connection is at the heart of building strong relationships based on trust and understanding, and how you can start connecting with your kids every day, starting today.

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