The Key to Calm and Patient Parenting

Are you tired of losing it with your kids?

Do you wish you were a more patient parent?

You can be.

In this video, Patty introduces a unique parenting tool you can use to create space for yourself, and your kids, so that you can lead your family with calm, confidence and joy.

This powerful tool is not only free, but flexible too, and it has transformed many thousands of parents lives, including Patty’s.

If you want to move from power battles with your child to patience with them, if you want to move from confusion to calm, you need this science-backed tool.

Watch The Key to Calm and Patient Parenting now, and you’ll see:

  • 1:30 – Why this tool is so powerful for parents we work with.
  • 3.00 – The simplicity of this tool and what it can bring to your parenting.
  • 6.00 – How creating a safe space for feelings is a fantastic way to lesson your emotional load, and clear triggers that cause you upset and anger.
  • 8.45 – Getting clear on what your child needs when they are upset can be one thing, while actually doing it can be a whole other thing. Patty describes how you can be a calm anchor for your child when they lose it.
  • 10:25 – Patty shares her experience with listening, and the mind-blowing insight it gave her
  • 16:00 – Three examples of how parents used this tool to fill their own tanks and saw amazing transformations, including one mom who saw a big change around a potty-training issue.

Click Here To Watch Now


Buy the Book Listen

Patty’s book Listen shares five powerful tools that give you all you need to create harmony at home, no matter the hard times you may have faced already. You’ll learn how connection is at the heart of building strong relationships based on trust and understanding, and how you can start connecting with your kids every day, starting today.

Find out where to buy your copy.

Watch Patty’s other talks in this series:

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