Search Results for: isabela budusan

Connection over the holidays

18 Sanity-Saving Tips To Keep Connected Over the Holidays

Sleighbells ring, are you listening? Unfortunately, probably not. That is, if you are shoulder-high in festive planning and your children are fighting over the last gingerbread. Here’s 18 sanity-saving tips for tackling those holiday stresses,

cum punem limite fără a crea limitări – replay (in Romanian)

Toți părinții întâmpină dificultăți în setarea unor limite sănătoase ori în ascultarea sentimentelor copiilor legate de acestea. Irina Nichifiriuc și Brîndușa Milășan, instructori Hand in Hand Parenting, discută în această înregistrare despre modul în care

Sarbatorile si pierderea cumpatului

Sarbatorile si pierderea cumpatului vin impreuna si se potrivesc precum untul de arahide si jeleul. Copilul tau se va confrunta cu niste sentimente puternice cand urmeaza un eveniment important, cum ar fi o zi de

Isabela Budusan

My name is Isabela Budusan and I am the happy mother of three young children. I am living in a small town in the heart of Transylvania – Aiud. Prior to becoming a Hand in

get kids out on time mom and child walking

15 Tips For Getting Out Of The House With Kids

I’d love to live in a world where my daughter could take her time, where I could just open the back door and she could run out and play with other children all day. Unfortunately our world is not that simple. Most of us out of necessity have to, at least some of the time, get our children out of the house. And we a have a time limit.

stop yelling at your kids mom stress

15 Tips To Stop Shouting at Your Children

  We’ve all been through it. That moment where you catch yourself saying things that you regret later. We all say things that don’t exactly sound like the loving, peaceful parent that we intend to

20 playful ways to handle a child's aggression

20 Playful Ways To Heal Aggression

Aggression is common in toddlers, but that doesn’t mean it’s inevitable. The Hand in Hand parenting philosophy is based on the fact that all children are naturally, good, loving and co-operative. Sometimes hurt feelings overwhelm their limbic system