Category: Aggression

Meet The Preschool Teachers That Listen to Kids

Imagine you had a teacher that listened, really listened, when you were upset at school. In daycare and pre-school settings, there are many cries for many reasons. Children missing parents. Children that need the bathroom

De vilains mots dans la bouche de bons enfants

De vilains mots dans la bouche de bons enfants

Une réponse de Patty Wipfler, traduite de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand “Mes enfants me rendent folle quand ils utilisent le mot “S…” et quand ils

Toddler Hitting

Join Certified Instructor, Shelley Macy, MA, to discuss toddler hitting. She shares how the Hand in Hand tools work with |aggression. Connect with Shelley – h…

When Your Toddler Bites

Certified Instructor, Shelley Macy, MA, and Hand in Hand Founder Patty Wipfler discuss why children bite and how to help. Connect with Shelley – https://bit….

Why Has My Little Boy Become Violent?

Dear Hand in Hand, Please help. My 4-year-old son has had a turbulent time at pre-school and has become very aggressive. I am seeing this as an issue around separation. We have increased Special Time,

Când copilul mic te lovește: o nouă perspectivă

Copilașul tău se oprește brusc în mijlocul unui moment de joacă și te lovește? Ori pocnește alți copii, chiar pe proprii frați? Dacă-i așa, dă-mi voie să te asigur că nu ești un părinte ratat.