Category: Aggression

Aider les enfants avec l'agression

Aider les enfants avec l’agression

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Ton enfant a-t-il déjà envoyé un coup et blessé quelqu’un ? Un autre enfant agressif l’a-t-il déjà embêté ? Si ta

Why I Let My Child Hit During Her Upsets

“My daughter, who is seven, always wanted to sleep in my bed. She went through a period of crying every night about sleeping alone. I listened to her cry each time, hoping it was doing

Handling |aggression with Play

Hand in Hand Parenting instructors Michelle Carlson and Kirsten Nottleson show you how to handle |aggression with play in this Facebook Live demonstration. Be…

Help a child that hits, kicks or bites

A child’s aggressive behavior is driven by fears. Shouting, getting angry yourself or giving harsh punishment only adds to them and keeps the aggressive cycl…

Five Ways to Help Kids That Hit, Kick, or Bite

  Sooner or later, almost every child gets carried away by strong emotions. For some children, it’s an everyday occurrence. We parents can get carried away ourselves, especially when we have one or more children

agresivitatea – între curaj și frică (Replay)

Mânuța aceea mică și plăpândă, care încape perfect în a ta, se ridică brusc și lovește fulgerător colegul de joacă. Lacrimile curg și tu nu știi dacă să pedepsești, să cerți sau să mângâi. Societatea

Cum îi ajutăm pe copii cu agresivitatea

Mușcă?! Împinge?! Trage de păr?! Copilul tău s-a năpustit vreodată asupra altuia și l-a rănit? Poate un alt copil agresiv l-a deranjat pe al tău? Aproape toți părinții fac eforturi pentru a înțelege și a-și

Cum facem față comportamentului agresiv al copiilor?

Agresivitatea , comportament al copiilor ce ne pune aproape pe toți în impas. Toți părinții se confruntă la un moment dat cu agresivitatea copiilor. Devine exasperant, extenuant, ne copleșesc emoțiile și nu mai știm ce

Troubling Behavior: How to Take On an Emotional Project

An emotional project is a set of persistent feelings or behaviors that come up for your child again and again. When the same feeling or behavior is triggered many times in somewhat similar situations (like always hating to go to school or daycare, or always becoming aggressive if other children crowd too close), it indicates that there’s a big hurt under the surface. To heal that hurt, you’ll need to listen many times to the same big feelings—“You don’t care about me!” or “It’s not fair! It’s never fair!” As your child cries or rages and you listen with care, the two of you together will drain that big hurt, and change your child’s overall outlook on life and on his relationship with you.