Category: Listening Partnerships

stop yelling at your kids mom stress

This is Why You Lose it With Your Kids

Have you ever lost it with your child over something and not understood why? Why your son’s clinginess on a playdate drives you crazy? Why you snap if you see your oldest daughter hit your

When I Couldn’t Stop Yelling

I was excited to become a mother, but I didn’t have any idea what I was in for. I thought that parenting would be lots of love and gently guiding my child. I thought that

Three-Steps to Parenting As a Team

A Guest Post from Anca Deaconu and Megha Mawandia You may have heard the proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” No doubt, it is a beautiful thing for a child to be able to spend

One Way to Unblock Stuck Emotions

Listening Partnerships with Emilie Leeks When we first encountered Hand in Hand Parenting, we were struck not only by the non-judgemental, meet-you-where-you-are tone, but also by the practical ideas offered through the Listening Tools. Four of the

A Tool That Helps Students Feel Heard

Traditionally in classrooms, teachers talk and children listen. While curriculums are updating to include self-directed learning, children in many classrooms may still feel unheard, and if they have worries or concerns outside of learning –

Play Helped When My Child Acted Helpless

My daughter was a very capable girl at eight years old. She was smart, strong, clever, and so resourceful. But at the same time, she sometimes acted helplessly. As a single parent, it would drive