Category: Listening Partnerships

16 Questions You Can Use To Help Heal Family Tensions

  Listening Time  There’s nothing like raising kids to bring tension into a family. Right from pregnancy it can seem like every decision you make comes under scrutiny, and then feeding, sleeping, schooling, behavior and

How Healing Old Wounds Helped my Marriage

My kids were with their grandparents and I was spending time with my husband. We were relaxed and talking and everything felt perfect until he mentioned the upcoming marriage of someone that is close to

The Day I Said I Hate My Kids

By Lauren Stearns Last year when my son entered 7th grade it seemed like EVERYTHING changed. The connection that I had worked so hard to build with him using  Hand in Hand tools felt broken.

Who’s Listening To You Over the Holidays?

  Two good friends and mothers we’ll call Emma and Carol had been living 2500 miles on opposite coasts for several years now. Carol finds her middle child, Cammy, deeply challenging. During Carol’s last two months of

don't know how to play with my kids

What If I’m Just Not A Playful Parent?

“Play with me?” That one question is asked at least 100 times a day in most houses, by kids to their parents. Time and time again we hear that play improves connections. Greys Anatomy-creator (and former

When Crying Just Needs to Stop

Most of us are taught to hush children when they cry, but parents using Hand in Hand’s approach learn how valuable crying can be for a child’s emotional health. When crying is supported with a

My Child Says She Hates Me. What Should I do?

Handling “I hate you!” Almost every parent was once a child who was shouted at by grownups under stress. Almost all of us were called names and told we were bad at one time or another.

Special Time Helps a Preteen Open Up

  By Sarah Charlton We had just returned from a big family wedding in another part of the country and even though it had been a really good trip, we hadn’t had a lot of

Hidden Triggers Reveal Why I Get So Angry

By Andrea McCracken I had been parenting my daughter for 5 years and stay listening with her for 3 years before I realized the importance of being listened to myself. During this time, I noticed

When Kids Words Hurt

  “She’s viciously swearing, venomously shouting horrible things” I explain to my Listening Partner. I am relating the story of my morning; a repetitive recurring interaction between me and my 6 year old daughter. I

This is What It Sounds Like When Moms Cry

    It was Friday, the last working day in a long week and frustrating things just kept happening. Some were to do with my family – like my son refusing to do his homework and

Listening: One Simple Question that Blew My Mind

If you could have a break from parenting, what would it look like? “I imagined myself taking this long, unhurried walk by myself. I made up the scene as it came into my mind: How I would find this one, perfect quiet spot, and just sit there, noticing everything around me.”

Ever felt ‘Not Good Enough’?’

    A guest post by Skye Munro of Nurturing Connections Recently I had the privilege of sharing my passion for connected parenting with over 200 Early Childhood professionals. But right until they entered the

10 Tips For Being A Good Listener

When we were young there was little understanding of the importance of listening to children with warmth and patience, so our parents couldn’t give us a model of how to do this. Our unheard feelings from our own childhood get triggered in challenging moments with our children.