Category: Listening Partnerships

Dad Lets Go of Stress So Everyone Can Play

Sometimes all it takes to lift your partner’s spirits is to really focus on them and just listen. A few minutes turned this dad’s day into a playful connection with his kids.

A Good Cry and a Good Listener Changes Everything

Setting a limit at bedtime can bring up big feelings for children. Holding the limit, while making room to also hear the feelings is a challenge, but it builds a child’s confidence and connection with you.

Listening Partnerships Transform My Past

I’ve found the last week quite hard. It could be the transition from having my partner around every day over Christmas and New year to being alone again with my daughter. The weather’s been wet

Finding the Right Pre-School

a guest post by Hannah Gauri Ma In trying to decide on a pre-school for my then 3-year-old I was feeling very torn. I had narrowed down my search to two co-op preschools in my

“Quit Being So Mad!”

My 10 yr old son and I can both be hot tempered, and I am a single parent. There is not another adult around to help me re-group, but there is always a listening partner, or at least their voice mail, just a phone call away.

How I Released My Fear of The Dentist

As I was crying the pain began to release in my tooth and by the end I didn’t feel any pain at all. The next day it was also better but it was apparent I still needed to go to the dentist because the tooth needed attention.

Listening Time Helped Me Set Limits on Screen Time

I was feeling tight and cranky in my parenting. I knew I needed to think about setting limits on screen time, and my impulse was to grab the iPad out of my son’s hands and stomp on it. I was not thinking well!!

My Journey to Parenting by Connection

I’m the mom of a young son, who has been my greatest teacher in life and has guided me to my deepest passion, parenting! My work in Theater from the time I was a little

Breaking “Bad” News

When my 6-year-old son began the first grade in a new school district, school went from being easy to being a big challenge for him both socially and academically. Being the youngest in his class

Not Liking Her Father’s New Partner

I told my daughter that another parent from her school would be taking her into school that day because we carpool. She was upset and cranky about it for 45 minutes, and wanted me to

Overnight with my Daughter and her Best Friend

My daughter asked to bring her girlfriend with us overnight to Sonoma where we planned to spend one night in a hotel with a pool.  Bringing an extra person would change the easy-going relaxation day

School Success Through Staylistening

I kept listening to my children because I saw their positive transformation and because we felt closer even though it wasn’t easy to do. I kept listening because I gradually remembered and worked on my childhood and came to think I would have liked it if I had been listened to back then.

A Little Listening Can Move Mountains

Sometimes we don’t realize the effect we can have on people, simply through our listening (or not listening). I was moved by how a little listening can move mountains.

The Good Tantrum

Hi Hand in Hand Parenting, My almost 3 1/2 year old is having an especially hard time right now with family coming to visit. He has always had an extremely high need for connection. He