Category: Parent Stress

Meet The Preschool Teachers That Listen to Kids

Imagine you had a teacher that listened, really listened, when you were upset at school. In daycare and pre-school settings, there are many cries for many reasons. Children missing parents. Children that need the bathroom

A Dose of Special Time in the Morning

Dreaded Mornings! Mornings before school were the absolute worst. When my kids were little and I was home with them all day, I wanted them to go to school so badly. Be careful what you

two happy kids on holiday

Making A Connection Plan For Happier Holidays

In Part 1, Setting A Connection Plan In Place For The Holidays we looked at a family on holiday. Three siblings were happily playing, until suddenly, without much warning, the bigger child pushed a younger

When children lie

Lorsque les enfants mentent

Un réponse de Patty Wipfler à une maman, traduite de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand   Q. Comment devais-je m’y prendre avec mon enfant de 5 ans qui ment ?

Couple : unis face au tumulte de la parentalité

Couple : unis face au tumulte de la parentalité

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Sophie Menard, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Ah, nos enfants ! C’est débordants de joie et d’enthousiasme que nous les avons accueillis dans nos vies, en tant que parents…