Category: Playlistening

Playing During the Morning Rush…

When you approach your child in a warm and playful manner, said Patty Wipfler, he often can use your attention to laugh his way back in contact with you, then into flexible play again.

20 Playful Ways To Heal Separation Anxiety

When our child gets upset about us leaving, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t like their caregiver or that the need to be with us 24-7. It’s quite natural for children to have multiple attachments to other adults and benefit from being raised by a ‘village.’ It is often more likely that separating from us triggers deeper fears, and emotions in our child, that they need us to listen to.

20 Playful Ways To Help Picky Eaters

When it comes to picky eating it can be hard to find a solution that is fun, connected and playful. On the one extreme we can simply let our child survive off yoghurt and spaghetti

25 Tips For Having Fun Tidying Up

By Kate Orson, Hand in Hand Parent We all want to live in a tidy house but it’s not easy with kids around. We have a lot of responsibilities in our busy lives, and it’s

10 Ways That Laughter Can Transform Your Day

After a bit of laughter our child is often much more likely to co-operate with us without a power struggle. Here are ten awkward moments where laughter can save the day. Repeat as necessary until the giggles (or you!) are exhausted.

Using Play to End Sibling Rivalry

I could let my son continue to show me his impulse to interfere with his sister and I didn’t have to yell at him or tell him he was a “bad” kid. I knew there was nothing wrong with my son just because he wasn’t feeling connected and his impulse control was impaired. He needed connection first, before he could have good impulse control.

Playing Our Way Through Sleepover Fears

Maybe it’s not-so-easy to have that first sleepover. But so easy to have some kind of parental amnesia! Ugh. I was immediately wondering if we were going to need to turn right back around and pick up the kids and then turn around again to go home.

A Playful Way to Stop Biting and Pinching

a guest post from Stephanie Parker When my daughter was three she started pinching and biting me. I was pretty shocked as she’d never done anything like that before. I tried setting a limit and

Healing My Son’s Fear of Balloons

Part 1: Playlistening With Balloons My son loved playing with balloons when he was in control, but he had long been afraid of other people playing with balloons. He didn’t like the sounds balloons made

Listening to Teens Can Get Messy

We were surrounded by foam peanuts. I don’t know how anyone can be oblivious to foam peanuts on the floor, but she was! She was talking happily to me about this, that, and the other, with a big smile on her face, when I felt this really strong urge to take some of those peanuts and throw them at her. So, I picked up a bunch of them in my hand and, in slow motion, with some soft dramatic noises, I slowly inched my way toward her with the foam peanuts.

Helping My Daughter Feel Capable

First I started carrying all 48 lbs. of her in front of me. When that became too much, I shifted her to piggy back. It wasn’t long before that became too much for me. I knew I had to figure out a creative way to help her feel independent and capable but not feel like I was pushing her away. This would be a perfect time for Playlistening.