Category: Separation

When Your Kids Will Do Anything to Get Attention

In many, if not most, families one child becomes a squeaky wheel. The child insists on being the focus of attention, and ensures his or her position with behavior designed to bring a parent’s attention

Guérir de l’anxiété de séparation

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Les enfants s’épanouissent grâce au lien qui les unit à leurs parents Leur besoin de lien est

Aider les enfants à vaincre leurs peurs

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Une enfant prend peur lorsque des circonstances qu’elle ne peut pas contrôler, ou des circonstances qu’elle ne comprend pas, perturbent son

When a Child Prefers One Parent

It took months to organise, but today you escaped for lunch with two old friends and left your kids with your partner. Secretly, you couldn’t be happier. Your youngest is going through a phase that

helping children after violence or disaster

Helping Children Exposed to Shocking Events

We all struggle to deal thoughtfully with natural disasters and senseless violence. A cascade of feelings is triggered in each of us when we are exposed to images of death and strife. It’s shocking to

A Game for Separation Anxiety

Try this wonderful way to play if your child has separation anxiety, from Certified Hand in Hand Instructor Steph Parker in the UK. Try this wonderful way to play if your child has separation anxiety,

Two Ways To Conquer Separation Anxiety

Changes in routine or surroundings often trigger separation anxiety, and as parents, we often see it play out at daycare or school drop-off. And it’s really no secret why. We rush to get out on

Coping With Separation Anxiety

Velma talks about how she helped her son face his separation anxiety, enjoy his martial arts classes and build resilience. Velma is a Certified Instructor wi…