Category: Separation

One Ritual For A Happy Family Vacation

  My husband had been exceptionally busy with studying and work. He had had a lot of trips away from home over the last month, and when he was home he was studying. He had

How Hand in Hand Turned Our Family Around

 Mom Elene Johas Teener tells us how Hand in Hand Parenting helped her meet her two aggressive sons. “Being an older parent with a fully developed career, I have experienced high pressure and stress situations.

A Little Special Time in the Morning

“She’s so clingy,” I found myself complaining about my one-year-old daughter. “I can’t get anything done!” Almost all the mothers with babies of a similar age agree with me. We spend our days socializing in baby groups,

Un pic de timp special dimineața

“Se ține scai de mine”, m-am trezit că mă plâng de fetița mea de un an. “Nu pot să fac nimic!” Mai toate mamele cu bebeluși cam de de aceeași vârstă sunt de acord cu

Mothers Get Separation Anxiety Too

This morning I led a workshop about helping children heal from separation anxiety. It felt a little ironic to me since lately I’ve been the one experiencing separation anxiety.  After using the Hand In Hand

How to Confront Separation Anxiety Supportively

Every Monday morning, just as soon as he wakes up, my son remembers that he’s supposed to go to the kindergarten and starts protesting: “I don’t like it, mommy and I don’t want to go; please let

12 Books for Children Dealing With Divorce

Divorce is hard for everyone involved, but it can be especially difficult on kids who do not have a support system. There are many helpful tips and strategies on dealing with the effects of divorce

Kids Know What They Need

We know that babies cries alert parents to their needs. How else could we know when they need comfort, food, changing? But children are just as in touch with what they need to survive and

A New Approach to Separation Anxiety in Class

In most daycare and preschools, parents are encouraged to make drop off brief. A quick kiss or hug and then out the door. But not in Shelley Macy’s classes. She makes efforts to welcome each

Working with Separation Anxiety Replay

Join Hand in Hand Instructors Shelley Macy and Laura Minnigerode as they share their experience helping early childhood educators, and many others, ease separation struggles and help parents and children to be able to enjoy