Category: Separation

Help Your Children with Fear

Hand in Hand Certified Instructors Michelle Kokel and Shaheen Merali talk about the parenting tools you can use to support your child through fear. Find out how to strengthen your child’s sense of connection so they can begin

Separation Anxiety: Two Tools That Will Help

In the middle of preparing for a talk on Separation Anxiety with my fellow Hand in Hand Instructor, Anca Deaconu, my children decided to give me the perfect opportunity to practice what I preach. It

15 Playful Ways To Solve Sibling Rivalry

By Shaheen Merali, and Kate Orson Sibling rivalry is an inevitable challenge of raising more than one child. No matter what the age difference or personalities of the children, sooner or later, every child with

I Want Another Cookie and I Will Not Buckle My Car Seat

We were at an impasse for at least 10 minutes. We tried to wait patiently for her to be ready to leave, but she refused to buckle her car seat and physically prevented us from helping her. Finally, after at least 10 minutes, she allowed me to help her. She was tired and angry and the look in her eyes said, “Help me. I’m in here somewhere and I can’t find myself.”

Monday Blues are Cured by Special Time

His fear is real. His tears are real. This is my son, trusting me, showing me how he feels. And I honor the chance that he offers me, that of being there for him. We’re together in this.

20 Playful Ways To Heal Separation Anxiety

When our child gets upset about us leaving, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t like their caregiver or that the need to be with us 24-7. It’s quite natural for children to have multiple attachments to other adults and benefit from being raised by a ‘village.’ It is often more likely that separating from us triggers deeper fears, and emotions in our child, that they need us to listen to.

The 5 Keys to Raising Siblings Who Get Along

Your kiddos don’t want to fight with each other or constantly feel like things are unfair. At their core, siblings want to be friends and get along. But here’s the catch — they need your

The Best Policy for Helping Siblings Share

When your kiddos fight over the tire swing, what they really want is something much deeper. What your kids are longing for is a close relationship with one another where they get along really well.

Play Away the Separation Anxiety

You’re about to learn a tool you can use immediately when handling your child’s anxious behaviors. It won’t take you long, and is so effective it can work the very first time. This exact tool

The Ultimate Separation Survival Guide

Turns out separation anxiety is a hot topic. Your interest in this guide reveals how conscientious you are in dealing with the struggles that arise as a parent. These ideas may feel unfamiliar, counter-intuitive even,

Helping Siblings Get Along

Early one morning, my daughter began to be aggressive in her play with her younger brother. She was insisting that he play with her, and on her terms. He was doing his best to tell her no, but it wasn’t getting through. The situation was escalating, and quick.

When Our Kids Show Us They “Get It”

By Ravid Aisenman Abrahmsohn I was reminded recently just how much children tell us when we listen – through good times and bad. One family in my Skill Building group has a five- year-old son

Playing Our Way Through Sleepover Fears

Maybe it’s not-so-easy to have that first sleepover. But so easy to have some kind of parental amnesia! Ugh. I was immediately wondering if we were going to need to turn right back around and pick up the kids and then turn around again to go home.