Category: Setting Limits

Setting Limits: The Hard No

You know about setting warm limits: Moving in calmly when you need to stop a behavior, but what happens when it feels like there is no chance to keep calm? Like, your child is about

Quel est le problème avec la fessée ?

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Dans de nombreuses cultures occidentales, la permission de fesser les enfants remonte à très loin dans l’histoire.

Reprise: The Great Halloween Candy Fight

To celebrate the year since the Hand in Hand Parenting podcast launched – and the treat it’s been connecting with a quarter of a million parents all over the globe – Abigail and Elle ring

Two Ways To Conquer Separation Anxiety

Changes in routine or surroundings often trigger separation anxiety, and as parents, we often see it play out at daycare or school drop-off. And it’s really no secret why. We rush to get out on

Lying: Why Children Lie And Ways to Respond

Have you ever? Watched as your child did something and then immediately blame someone else? Heard, “I have no homework,” from your child and then discovered it stuffed at the bottom of her school bag?

An Entirely New Spin on Kids and Sharing

To share, or not to share, is that the question? So many parents in our parent groups and The Parent Club come to us with questions about sharing, it’s a subject that we knew we had

How to help a child work through fears

Stephanie Parker describes the time her young child was scared of a visitor, and how she used gentle parenting tools to help her work through those hard moments. If your child gets scared, try some

Setting Limits With A Child in Public

Anna talks about the time she set a limit with her son in a mall when he kept begging for her to buy him things. She shares how she was able to keep calm, despite

Father and child laughing at bedtime story

Four Steps To A Peaceful Bedtime Routine

A guest post by Irina Nichifiriuc Read this post in Romanian In our house, I faced a series of “battles” and obstacles every night as the day wore on towards bedtime. With three children, I

What To Do When The Kids Go Wild!

Imagine this. Your kids are on a playdate. Everything is fine. There are a few giggles.  Some stomping. The next minute? The kids are laughing manically, and the house is so trashed it looks like