Category: Setting Limits

How To Respond When a Baby Cries

Babies cry.

It’s hard to listen when all you want to do is find a way to make your baby stop crying. As a parent you’re hard-wired to care when a baby cries, after all. But sometimes, it feels like babies cry for no reason.

Learning To Cope With My Baby’s Crying

Several years before becoming a Mum I went to stay with a dear friend who had recently given birth. When her baby was crying at times when she wasn’t hungry or cold or wet, she

care-i problema cu bătaia (replay in Romanian)

Georgiana Bucătariu, Brîndușa Milășan, Gina Năstasă și Irina Nichifiriuc Instructori Hand in Hand Parenting în România discută despre efectele negative ale bătăii asupra copiilor și alternativele pe care părinții le au pentru a pune limite.

How to Set Limits with Laughter

A Guest Post by Stephanie Parker My daughter is about to turn nine and I’ve been thinking recently that I’d like her to do more around the house. I haven’t spent enough time making this

Talking About Tweens (and their Tantrums)

This week on the podcast talk turns to tweens and what it takes to parent through what can bring some on turbulent times. With Abigail parenting a double tween household and Elle raising a 10-year-old,