Category: Setting Limits

Four Steps To Resolve Children’s Big Fears

  Many children are afraid of visits to the doctor, but my daughter was TERRIFIED. She’d had a difficult birth and was in the NICU for four days; perhaps those early experiences had stayed with her.

Why I Let My Child Hit During Her Upsets

“My daughter, who is seven, always wanted to sleep in my bed. She went through a period of crying every night about sleeping alone. I listened to her cry each time, hoping it was doing

Playful Parenting Improves Your Child’s Manners

A Guest Post by Michelle Hartop My daughter’s manners got lost somewhere between 5 and 6 years old. Once the reigning “thank-you queen,” by school-age, she seemed bothered even receiving a gift, let alone actually

How To Set Limits That Help Children Sleep

In this post on sleep issues, we talked about using play as a tool that helps children release the minor fears and tensions that hold them back from sleeping well. Sometimes those fears run deeper

Why Our Children Just Want To Be Heard

Sometimes the things that affect our children are not things that would upset us. In our bids to offer solutions, however well-meaning, we often forget to stop and listen. Yet one of the best solutions

Screen Time Doesn’t Have to Mean Scream Time

On the podcast this week, Elle and Abigail talk about the difficulties they, and many parents have, setting limits on screen time. They view the issues that worry us most, from the addictive nature of