Category: Sleep

How I Faced Bedtime Fears With Play

My five-year-old son had been having trouble getting to sleep on his own. We had several weeks of him resisting bed time. He didn’t want to be alone in his room and kept coming up with lots

The Benefits of Laughter at Bedtime

Contrary to popular belief we should actually wind our children up before sleep! Roughhousing, and lots of giggles, can help children release any stress or remaining tension from the day. It also helps to build the connection that children need to feel safe to separate from us and fall asleep.

Why Your Child Acts up on Vacation

When a child displays off track and unreasonable behavior, they are often asking for us to bring a limit to help them stop. Bringing a limit to off track behavior can provide the emotional release children need and return them to their balanced, fun loving selves.

Helping Children Sleep

Listen in as Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructors Maya Coleman, PhD Clinical Psychologist and Georgie Bancroft, PhD Psychologist share stories of how parents and other carers have helped their children sleep.

Helping Children Sleep

Join Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructors Maya Coleman, PhD Clinical Psychologist and Georgie Bancroft, PhD Psychology in this free parenting call, as they share stories of how parents and other carers have helped their

Playing Our Way Through Sleepover Fears

Maybe it’s not-so-easy to have that first sleepover. But so easy to have some kind of parental amnesia! Ugh. I was immediately wondering if we were going to need to turn right back around and pick up the kids and then turn around again to go home.

Is Your Toddler Too Angry to Sleep?

Is your toddler too angry to sleep? Read on to learn how to read the signs and get a solution.  By Lyra L’Estrange Does it ever seem like your toddler is just unsettled? Can’t be happy?

איך נעזור לילדים צעירים לישון?

רוב הילדים מתמודדים בשלב זה או אחר עם קושי לישון לילה רציף. כמובן שתינוקות רכים צריכים להתעורר מספר פעמים בלילה, לאכול ולקבל אישור שהוריהם בסביבה והעולם בטוח. הצורך באישור כזה ובהזנה הוא חזק יותר אם

Setting Limits Allows Restful Sleep

I could tell my 6-year-old daughter had something on her mind. She had been talking about something that had troubled her at school, and while I had listened empathetically, it didn’t feel like she had

Helping My Son Sleep Through The Night

My nine year old son usually falls right asleep at night.  This has been such a blessing for me and quite contrary to his younger sister who likes to stay up late. On one particular

Talking to Your Child About Disasters

Earthquakes, tsunami’s and typhoons and wars are hard to process and difficult to discuss with children. Feelings are triggered in each of us as we picture what life is like for those directly affected, and as

Boy doesn't want to eat we find out why

Help for Picky Eaters

When you have a picky eater, the problem isn’t so much with food, it’s with your child’s feelings about food. This is news to many parents. It is not commonly mentioned in mainstream parenting advice.

Can Play Help With Bedwetting?

Q. “My five-year-old can’t seem to stay dry at night. We’ve tried and tried, and nothing I do seems to work. She feels bad when she wets the bed, I try not to bother her

Potty Training Experience – Staylistening

In Potty Training Experience: Playlistening, we explored the healing role that laughter can play when a child has unworkable fears. The mother who wrote in had a three-and-a-half year old daughter who was absolutely terrified