Category: Special Time

two happy kids on holiday

Making A Connection Plan For Happier Holidays

In Part 1, Setting A Connection Plan In Place For The Holidays we looked at a family on holiday. Three siblings were happily playing, until suddenly, without much warning, the bigger child pushed a younger

Child who is happy to practise

Got A Child Who Refuses To Practise? Try A Special Time Sandwich

Whether it’s music, homework, sports or another skill, when a child refuses to practise it can be frustrating. You want your child to progress and increase in confidence, as well as skill.

How can you help?

In this post, one instructor describes how her child went from plugging their ears whenever she suggested practising to happily asking to do more. It all started with a “Special Time Sandwich.” If you are tired of fighting about practising, give it a try.

When a Child Prefers One Parent

It took months to organise, but today you escaped for lunch with two old friends and left your kids with your partner. Secretly, you couldn’t be happier. Your youngest is going through a phase that

family play is important

Why Play is Even More Important Right Now

If your child is begging you to play more lately, it’s not just because they are missing their friends. And, if you can play along with play, you may find yourself a happier parent too, says Hand in Hand Instructor Stacy Wilson.

Shows a child clinging to mom

How to Help a Clingy Child Play Independently

Your clingy child won’t play independently? In this post, you’ll learn how play therapists help increase kids capacity for play – and how you can too at home.   A parent I was working with once