Category: Special Time

What To Do When Your Child Won’t Nap

How often have you told your child that it’s naptime only to be met with complete disapproval? We know our children benefit from a rest midday, and may of us look forward to that window, either

When Your Child Doesn’t Want Special Time

A guest Post by Kate Orson author of Tears Heal Special time; one of Hand in Hand’s Five Parenting tools, is a wonderful way to deepen your connection with your child, to build the safety

Kids Know What They Need

We know that babies cries alert parents to their needs. How else could we know when they need comfort, food, changing? But children are just as in touch with what they need to survive and

How I Faced Bedtime Fears With Play

My five-year-old son had been having trouble getting to sleep on his own. We had several weeks of him resisting bed time. He didn’t want to be alone in his room and kept coming up with lots

Special Time Helps a Preteen Open Up

  By Sarah Charlton We had just returned from a big family wedding in another part of the country and even though it had been a really good trip, we hadn’t had a lot of

Take a Time Out from Time Outs

  Your son has been acting out all day. First he grabbed his friend’s toy truck at a playdate and refused to play nicely. He threw it across the room when you asked him to

How To Make Time for Quality Time with Your Kids

Modern life keeps us busy. Between meal planning, cleaning, playdates and school, how do you make time for quality time with your children? Special Time is one way to ensure those moments happen, however fleeting. Special

Special Time, Building Connection in Minutes

What is Hand in Hand Parenting?: Day 2  A sense of connection gives real power to your child. It grants them the ability to think, to cooperate, to feel good about themselves and the people

A Guide to Letting Your Child Rule…

…Or What’s So Special About Special Time? Doesn’t it seem like children these days are just itching to gain power over you, all the time? If “Give me milk,” and “I want it now!” are

Ever felt ‘Not Good Enough’?’

    A guest post by Skye Munro of Nurturing Connections Recently I had the privilege of sharing my passion for connected parenting with over 200 Early Childhood professionals. But right until they entered the

get kids out on time mom and child walking

15 Tips For Getting Out Of The House With Kids

I’d love to live in a world where my daughter could take her time, where I could just open the back door and she could run out and play with other children all day. Unfortunately our world is not that simple. Most of us out of necessity have to, at least some of the time, get our children out of the house. And we a have a time limit.