Category: Special Time

Monday Blues are Cured by Special Time

His fear is real. His tears are real. This is my son, trusting me, showing me how he feels. And I honor the chance that he offers me, that of being there for him. We’re together in this.

Helping My Toddler with Her Fear of Dogs

After the incident, my daughter refused to go out of the house for the next couple of days. She would start screaming as soon as I would open the door. I took her gently in my arms and showed her out the window that the dog was in the kennel now and then we went outside. She wouldn’t let go, she stayed in my arms. The next day again we went back outside, and I called the dog to let her see that the dog couldn’t get out of the run.

When my Son Asked, Mom, Does Santa Exist?

Anca Deaconu on Special Time While I was shopping with my son the other day he saw Christmas decorations for sale. He wanted some bells and, to be completely honest, I wanted them too, so

Empezamos el día con el pie izquierdo

El más pequeño de mis hijos despertó con miedo porque había soñado con una pesadilla. Cuando le pregunte que me contara no pudo. Solamente dijo que era un sueño malo y no le gustaba recordar.

Helping Siblings Get Along

Early one morning, my daughter began to be aggressive in her play with her younger brother. She was insisting that he play with her, and on her terms. He was doing his best to tell her no, but it wasn’t getting through. The situation was escalating, and quick.

Special Time Melts Away Morning Stress

The morning started off rough. My five-year-old son woke up frightened, because he had had a bad dream. When I asked him to tell me about it, he could not recall many details, just that

Creating Safety Through Messy Special Time

Today after school was my six year old daughter’s time for Special Time. I knew Special Time would be important to her because her nine-year-old brother had spent the last two days sick and at

Loving the Candy (Setting Limits at Halloween)

My 7-year-old daughter, M, returned home from trick-or-treating this Halloween with a bag of candy that weighed at least 5 pounds. In past years, she would eat a few pieces of candy Halloween night, we would put the bag up away from the dogs, and then she could choose a piece each night after dinner. She would forget it was there after a couple of nights, and then we’d bring the rest into work for the office candy bowl. It didn’t quite work that way this year though.