Event Category: Calendar of All Events

Upcoming Event

Emotional and behavioral issues are of real concern for increasing numbers of families. Evidence shows that when stress is high for either the child or the parent, good support is helpful for both. This program will help you hit new breakthroughs in your sessions, and provide a child’s entire care team with useful, actionable information they can use to repair, grow and move forward. Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

Empower yourself as a parent with tools you can rely on to become the secure base your child needs. Overcome challenging behavior, heal old hurts from your childhood that cause anger, worry and confusion to flare, and build a family rich with laughter and connection.  Click image for more details or the Choose a Class button to see available dates and times.

Upcoming Event

"A life changing experience" says one mother of Madeleine's Hand in Hand Starter Class. Learn what drives your child's behaviour, and concrete, parent-tested tools to set limits and build closeness and connection in your family. Get Personalised Support to help you set limits, build co-operation, and get the fun back into family life.

Upcoming Event

Hand in Hand Dads Connect is a space for men to gather every-other-month to share our stories, listen to each other, ask questions, and learn what we have in common. It is a space for you to bring your frustrations and worries as well as your joys and successes. No previous experience with Hand in Hand Parenting is necessary. Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

Lots is going on for your preteens as they enter adolescence.  You’ll need practical strategies for staying close, setting limits and navigating upsets (yours and theirs)! The teen years get a bad rap, but you can stay connected through the ups and downs.

Upcoming Event

When we understand why big feelings and off-track behavior happen, we can prevent power struggles and upsets, respond with intention and even playfulness when they do, and repair after if things didn't quite work out as planned. Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

Are you ready for a fresh start? Are you wanting to stop yelling and start connecting with your kids? I have an upcoming Hand in Hand Starter Class to help you with your child's off track behavior. Would you like more support to find the sweet, loving child that you know is in there? I am offering a six week class to build your confidence and help you get a fresh perspective with your family. Please join me! Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

Spring Break is coming... and after that SUMMER VACATION!!! How about some Tools and strategies to make your vacation time full of Connection, Play and even FUN! Consider the Hand in Hand Parenting Tools STARTER CLASS - 6 weeks of strategies and support to help you create more cooperation and peace in your home.

Upcoming Event

“This course has helped me see my children differently, and frankly – love them more. I can really see the good in them. Instead of seeing wilful defiance, I’m seeing a child struggling. Instead of looking in the mirror and seeing my failure as a parent, I’m seeing a woman who is really trying her best. It changes everything. I feel a new lease of life as a parent. Katy is a truly brilliant instructor. She is clearly so dedicated, so in tune, so thoughtful, so caring. She really held the space in such a calm, loving way. And I feel changed by this experience. She has given me such an incredible gift as a parent.” Starter Class Mum of Two Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

Un programme de six semaines en petit groupe (6 au maximum) avec des vidéos à découvrir à ton rythme et des rencontre en ligne, pour booster la relation avec ton enfant, découvrir les cinq outils d'écoute, décoder les comportements difficiles de ton enfant, te soutenir, et inspirer ta parentalité.

Upcoming Event

“This course has helped me see my children differently, and frankly – love them more. I can really see the good in them. Instead of seeing wilful defiance, I’m seeing a child struggling. Instead of looking in the mirror and seeing my failure as a parent, I’m seeing a woman who is really trying her best. It changes everything. I feel a new lease of life as a parent. Katy is a truly brilliant instructor. She is clearly so dedicated, so in tune, so thoughtful, so caring. She really held the space in such a calm, loving way. And I feel changed by this experience. She has given me such an incredible gift as a parent.” Starter Class Mum of Two Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

Spring Break is coming... and after that SUMMER VACATION!!! How about some Tools and strategies to make your vacation time full of Connection, Play, and even FUN! Consider the Hand in Hand Parenting Tools STARTER CLASS - 6 weeks of strategies and support to help you create more cooperation and peace in your home. Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

"Kirsty has changed my family’s life! Since learning about Hand in Hand parenting on Kirsty’s course, I’ve completely changed my view and attitude to parenting. It’s still early days, but I now better understand that by building connection with my children, everyday struggles are beginning to diminish and there is growing harmony in our home." Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

The five Listening Tools that we share are easy to learn and yet hugely effective. They have transformed lives around the world, helping parents to connect deeply with their children, bring more play and joy into their lives and support the development of emotional resilience in the whole family. Joining a Starter Class allows you to explore the Hand in Hand approach within a small group of like-minded parents, guided by a certified instructor. Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

"A life changing experience" says one father of Madeleine's Hand in Hand Starter Class. Learn what drives your child's behaviour, and concrete, parent-tested tools to set limits and build closeness and connection in your family. Get Personalised Support to help you set limits, build co-operation, and get the fun back into family life. Click image for more details.

Upcoming Event

Want stronger, sweeter connections in your family? You are invited to join like-minded parents and learn about tools that will help your family thrive. Making empathy and connection the go-to response for parenting challenges, while building the confidence to set the limits your child needs, means the whole family can flourish. Belynda offers a warm and caring space for you to experiment with the tools and share your successes and challenges.

Upcoming Event

If you are familiar with the Hand in Hand tools and would like more support and connection, please consider joining one of these wonderful groups. We use discussion time to consider how we can apply the Hand in Hand tools to tricky situations. We always have lots of listening time too, which helps us be more able to use those tools and to be the loving connected parents we want to be.