Ali Tepper

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Ali is the mama of three tender-hearted and imaginative children. She is the founder of Raising You and Me LLC: Parent Coaching and Education. She brings a Masters degree in elementary education and over a decade of experience working with families and children as a classroom teacher and Director of Curriculum with special focus on social-emotional learning. She is a Board-Certified Parenting Coach, Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Family Life Coaching Association.

The core of Ali’s practice is an invitation to deepen your own self-understanding so you can fully enjoy your role as a parent. Using Hand in Hand’s trauma-informed listening tools, she helps you navigate everyday parenting challenges while strengthening the parent-child connection. Her unique combination of transformational inner work with research-based parenting strategies will amplify peace, authentic cooperation, and joy in your home. Ali lives in Austin, Texas with her hubby, three children, and rescue Spaniel. 

“I believe that parents do the most important work this life has to offer while receiving little support and a whole lot of judgment. I’m passionate about sharing the magic that is the Hand in Hand approach because it has offered me space to feel heard even in my hardest moments, and given me the strength and confidence to show up as the parent I always dreamed of being. These tools aren’t cookie-cutter formulas but rather a whole new communication system with my children based on love, laughter, and warmth. Every parent and child deserves this gift”

Reach out to her to teach the starter class or 1:1 support at
