Brindusa Milasan

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Brindusa Milasan is a certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor. She and her husband are the parents of two children (a girl and a boy) and are living in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Brindusa is an advocate for listening to children’s tears and feelings, welcoming them, and seeing feelings as our friends. She also enjoys bringing more play, fun and connection into family life in order to help parents navigate difficult situations (daily routines, sleep, separations, sibling issues).

Being a parent has brought a lot of challenges and along with them, the opportunity to grow alongside her children. She sees parenting challenges as opportunities for transformation and growth.

The Hand In Hand Parenting approach provided her with the missing support, a community, that allowed the opportunity to heal old hurts that made it possible for her to say, “I can’t remember the last time I yelled or lost my temper.”

Brindusa is passionate about supporting parents on their journey, to care for themselves and help them grow and become the parents they want to be. Brindusa is committed to helping parents enjoy their parenting again.

She enjoys offering talks, workshops, classes, support groups and parent consultations.
You can connect with Brindusa on Facebook or email.

Brindusa Milasan este instructor certificat Hand in Hand Parenting. Locuieste in Cluj-Napoca, Romania impreuna cu sotul ei si cei doi copii (o fata si un baiat).

Brindusa militeaza pentru ascultarea sentimentelor si lacrimilor copiilor, vazand in sentimente prietenii nostri. De asemenea, ii face placere sa aduca mai multa joaca, distractie si conectare in viata de familie, pentru a ajuta parintii sa depaseasca situatiile dificile ( probleme legate de rutinele zilnice, somn, separare, rivalitati intre frati).

Viata de parinte i-a adus numeroase provocari, dar si oportunitatea de a creste alaturi de copiii ei. Ea considera provocarile parentale drept oportunitati de transformare si crestere.

Abordarea Hand In Hand Parenting i-a oferit o comunitate si suportul necesar, permitandu-i sa vindece rani vechi si sa faca posibil ca ea sa spuna “ Nu-mi amintesc ultima data cand am tipat sau mi-am pierdut cumpatul”.

Brindusa este pasionata in a sustine parintii in calatoria lor, sa aiba grija de ei insisi, sa se dezvolte si sa devina parintii care isi doresc sa fie. Ea este hotarata sa ajute parintii sa se bucure din nou de rolul de parinte.

Brindusa sustine prezentari, workshop-uri, cursuri, conduce grupuri de suport si ofera consultatii pentru parinti. Va puteti conecta cu Brindusa pe Facebook sau prin email.