Éva Lőrincz

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Eva became a Parenting by Connection Instructor in January 2018 and has two beautiful children. She co-leads a blended family and works as a social worker in child protection for SOS Children Villages, Hungary.

However undoubted the sweet connection was between her and her firstborn, Eva seeked for answers desperately when her baby was 11 months old. Instantly, she encountered the approach of Parenting by Connection which miraculously changed her parenting.

She finally understood all the sleeping problems they went through with her child, her own deep anxiety about her crying baby and many other challenging topics including stepfamily relationships. Having Parenting by Connection in her family life is one of the most precious things she could think of.

Eva is entirely grateful for the Hand in Hand Parenting Community, especially for the Hungarian Team.

She uses the Listening Tools even in her workplace with foster children and foster parents, colleagues and partners.

At present she studies Psychology and is keen to support parents worldwide.