Flóra Bacsó

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

I first graduated as a teacher of English and French. I was always interested in methods that help us connect better with each other, even in hard times. First, I found mediation, the Restorative Practices, then Hand in Hand Parenting. At present I work as a trainer, mediator, mentor and project manager for an NGO in Hungary, specializing in conflict resolution, social inclusion and alternative pedagogical methods. When I first read about Hand in Hand Parenting, my son was already two years old and I was so grateful – I finally understood how it is possible to be a good enough parent and get the emotional support I need, both for myself and my child. Also, the tools of Hand in Hand Parenting complement incredibly well the methods I already work with. Hand in Hand Parenting for me is step zero to building good relationships – and not only with children. It gives me hope that there are more and more of us practicing the listening tools and getting the support we need for ourselves as parents so we can also provide the support that people around us need – especially children.

My favourite life hack is my emergency dial list including fellow Hand in Hand instructors with whom we are ready to grant each other our warm attention and a safe space for those hard times in everyday life. We are the village over the phone to each other and the thought that we don’t have to be alone with our big feelings saves my life. Even my mum has a listening partner on her own.

One of my proudest moments was when my son came home from kindergarten and told me:Today Abigail was crying very hard and John told her not to cry. I told him it was okay to cry and then I hugged Abi.”

I am honoured to be part of the wonderful instructors team and eager to deepen my knowledge within this community.

Any questions? Contact me at flora.bacso@gmail.com – I would love to hear from you, too.