Georgiana Bucatariu

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

I am the mother of a wonderful little girl and she is the reason I am a better person today. Apart from being a Hand in Hand Instructor, I am also a Clinical Psychologist and have training in Integrative Psychotherapy. I live, work, and play in Constanta, Romania.

What I imagined about parenting was totally different in reality, it was more of a struggle than a blessing. I felt desperate and isolated. The whole situation changed when I discovered the Hand in Hand tools. With the support I received through my Listening Partnerships, I changed the course of my journey as a parent. I shed away all my fears and I started healing old wounds, wounds that wouldn’t let me parent the way I wanted with love and kindness. With the first Hand in Hand course I took, the Hand in Hand approach became a way of life for me. Since using the tools with my daughter she has flourished and our relationship thrives. I have a strong desire of bringing connection, laughter and support in my community through the work I do.

You can reach Georgiana via email or Facebook.

Sunt mama unei fetite minunate ,ea este motivul pentru care sunt azi un om mai bun. Sunt Instructor Certificat Hand in Hand Parenting by Connection , Psiholog Clinician si am o  formare in Psihoterapie Integrativa. Locuiesc , munces si ma joc in Constanta , Romania.

Cum imi imaginam eu ca va fi cand voi fi parinte , este total diferit de cum stau lucrurile in realitate. Pentru mine a fost foarte greu la inceput , mai mult un zbucium  decat o binecuvantare . Ma simteam disperata si izolata. Intreaga situatie s-a schimbat cand am descoperit  abordarea Hand in Hand . Datorita  suportului pe care l-am primit in cadrul Parteneriatelor de ascultare , am schimbt cursul  calatoriei mele ca parinte ,  m-am eliberat de temeri si am inceput vindecarea unor rani vechi , rani care nu imi permiteau  sa fiu parintele care imi doream sa fiu . O data cu primul curs Hand in Hand la care am participat , abordarea Hand in Hand a devenit un stil de viata pentru mine. De cand foloses aceste instrumente cu fiica mea , ea a inflorit  si realatia noastra este mult mai puternica.

Sa aduc conectare , hohote de ras si suport familiilor din comunitatea mea , este tot ce imi doresc.