Hello! I am Kate Howe. I am a mom to two strong, sweet girls. I am also a graphic designer by trade, a systems thinker, amateur gardener, and student of Life.

Before Hand in Hand I was a bit of an Efficiency Parent, of the species endemic to New York City (where I lived) and other metropolitan areas where nannies and apps and hyper-organization and sheer will-power are supposed to make small humans fit neatly into their parents lives alongside intense careers and busy lifestyles. This seemed to work out ok at first, and apart from bone-deep exhaustion, I enjoyed the first years of parenting quite deeply.

However, when our second daughter arrived two and a half years later, the limits of my parenting skillset became evident. I realized that I lacked the tools to truly meet both my children’s emotional needs, and to help my older daughter embrace her new role as a big sister. As a result, family dynamics were strained for all of us, and I was stressed that we were creating some unhealthy patterns. I wanted to create an environment where both of my children could flourish and form a strong and positive sibling relationship.

Fortunately for all of us, we moved to Maine, I downshifted just a bit, and shortly thereafter was introduced to Hand in Hand by a friend and clinical psychologist. Because of my above mentioned permanent enrollment in Life Studies, I jumped in with both feet. The changes to my family and myself have been profound. Using the Listening Tools, we now know how to work through our dark energies and let our better selves resurface. But more than that, we have created a soul-nourishing dynamic of connection, trust, and enjoyment together. The Hand in Hand tools have given me confidence that I can handle the tricky situations that arise during parenting, and this confidence enables me to enjoy and be present with my kids every day.

I believe all families can benefit from these tools – whether every day is a struggle, or things seem to be “Ok.” The connection you can build with your kids and family will radiate into every other aspect of life. Being able to truly connect with other people is the way to heal our selves, our families and our world.

See more of my parenting work at www.postcardsforparents.com