Laurel Near

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Laurel Near is the mother of three, two boys and a girl, who are now all adults. She began practicing Parenting By Connection with Patty Wipfler in the late 80s. After completing certification, she taught Building Emotional Understanding classes in her home, marketing only through word-of-mouth. Now she teaches at least four BEU classes per year for parents of children ages 0-18 at SPACE, School of Performing Arts & Cultural Education, in Ukiah, California. Laurel’s special emphasis is working with parents and families of teens, assisting them in practicing the Parenting by Connection tools with the teen and pre-teen age group of youth.
“I can imagine that one day Parenting By Connection will become a household word and parents all over the world will have easy access to Hand in Hand’s miraculous and practical tools of connection. We can do this!”

You can work one-on-one with Laurel through Hand in Hand’s Consulting Services. She is also on Facebook.