Priya Raghav, LICSW, RPT-S

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Dear lovely parents!

I am a proud mother of a passionate 9 year old boy, and a licensed Child and Family Therapist practicing in Seattle WA, supporting the emotional wellbeing of children ages 3-9 and their caregivers. 

I came across ‘Hand in Hand parenting’ both as a parent and a professional. While I knew all along about the importance of conscious and connected parenting in raising well adjusted and resilient children, a podcast on which Hand in Hand parenting was featured, was the impetus for a forthcoming transformational journey in supporting my son’s big deep emotions, deepening my relationship with him in significant ways, and increasing my confidence mountain fold as a parent. Needless to say, it also informed and enriched my professional work with parents and children tremendously.

I did the Professionals Intensive before enrolling in the Instructor certification program, and have since been supporting many families through the lens of Hand in Hand. As a professional I have helped parents with a variety of challenges, but I am particularly passionate about helping parents who are feeling stuck around navigating anxiety, aggression and heightened emotional sensitivity in their children. I am also passionate about supporting parents within immigrant cultures in finding their grounding as they parent in a dual cultural context. 

If you are wondering if I might be the right person for what you may be seeking support for, please do not hesitate to reach out via email, It would be my pleasure to connect with you.


Priya is a Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor. She is a first generation immigrant from India to the US, and in addition to English, speaks Tamil and Hindi.