Rachel Schofield

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Rachel Schofield has been involved with Hand in Hand Parenting 2007.
She’s a Professional Member of the Australian Association of Family Therapists, and Mum to two boys.

Rachel says, “So many parents I work with want to raise their child in loving respectful ways but find it hard to do.”

“They feel like failures – and it doesn’t have to be that way.
I love guiding parents so they feel pleased and confident with their parenting, close and connected with their kids.
I know every parent has what it takes to do that, no matter what challenge they’re facing”

Rachel helps parents whose child:

  • is like a squeaky wheel, always demanding attention
  • has a specific struggle like aggression, anxiety, massive meltdowns, or sleep difficulties

She also supports parents who:

  • are feeling totally depleted, like they just can’t do this parenting thing any longer
  • are wanting to get on the same page as their parenting partner

If you’d like to see if Rachel can help you, book a Free Chat 


Rachel has mentored our Instructors in Training at Hand in Hand Parenting since 2012,
been a consultant for us since 2015 and manages our Community Facebook Group.

She is a Member of the Australian Association of Family Therapists (Professional)
and t
he Australian Counselling Association. 

She has the following parenting specific training:

    • Hand in Hand Parenting Certification 2010-11
    • Advanced Playful Parenting 2013 – a year long program with Larry Cohen PhD, Psychologist.
    • Circle of Security Facilitator, 2007 and 2020

She’s frequently contacted for expert comment by Australian Media.
She’s contributed regularly to Nurture (Australia’s natural parenting magazine) and The Natural Parent Magazine (a New Zealand publication),
and was a speaker at the 2016 Natural Parenting Conference in Sydney.

If you’d like to see if Rachel can help you, book a Free Chat

Kind words from Parents

My son’s tantrums, outbursts, and aggression left our family in disarray, distant and disconnected. Now I’m able to meet his needs and support him as well as make my family feel safe and loved during stressful times” ~ Katie Ryan, Mother of four, Bega Valley, Australia

“Thank you so much for the huge difference you have made to me and my whole family’s lives! Your skilful listening and intuition has helped me move forward with important challenges I had been struggling with for years. You are so good at honing in on what the key issues are and it has meant I can focus my efforts where it has the biggest impact.” Michelle Watts, Psychologist, UK

“I jumped at the opportunity to take a class with Rachel Schofield, one of our regular contributors. I gained so many new insights into my son’s emotions, our relationship has become stronger” ~ Kristy Pillenger, Editor Nurture Natural Parenting Magazine, Australia

“Since working with her, I have had a compass from which to orient as a parent; even when things get hard with my kids, I know where I am on the map, where I want to go, and what the essential steps are in order to move in the right direction. I feel I can bring my whole, vulnerable self to my sessions with Rachel, and she helps me recognize my strengths and identify and work with my growth edges.” Kate Ramsey, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, USA

“Rachel truly went above and beyond. She was so lovely and approachable, while at the same time she had an absolute wealth of knowledge to share. .. She was wonderful, .in teaching us about connection, she made us feel very connected to her.” ~ Georgie Bancroft, Mother of three girls, Psychologist, Australia

Resources by Rachel Schofield:

Handling Aggression – Setting Limits with the Vigorous Snuggle

3-steps to Loving Limits and Building Cooperation

4 Essential Steps When Family and Friends Don’t Understand You Parenting

Saying Sorry: A 7 Step Plan For Heartfelt Apologies

A Powerful Way to Make Sure Your Child Feels Loved

How We Can Stop Losing It With Our Kids

And listen to this audio-clip about Helping Babies When They Have Big Feelings (Rachel Schofield)

She also has a podcast series and pdf guide and workbook on siblings

You can find Rachel at www.rachelschofield.com