Summer Sheldon

Hand in Hand Certified Instructor

Summer Sheldon lives in beautiful rural Oregon with her husband, three kiddos, a dog, two cats, and a very fluffy rabbit.

She started using Hand in Hand tools with her young children in 2010 when she heard Patty speak at a conference on the importance of LISTENING to her child’s emotions and CONNECTING through hard moments. It has been wonderful to watch how the tools are transformative even as her children have grown and started into the teen years.

Summer is especially grateful for the confidence Hand in Hand Parenting has given her to heal her children’s hurts and to forge strong connections with them. Her passion is passing that confidence on to other parents and watching them transform their families. She especially loves working with families with special needs, sibling rivalry, and trauma.

She is a Licenced Professional Counselor in the state of Oregon.

You can listen to her talk with instructor Kathy Gordon here about how to help your aggressive kiddo.

You can reach her by email at
or via her website