Library for Professionals Working with Families

Welcome to our Library!

These resources will help you understand how the Hand in Hand Parenting Tools can be applied to help children feel connected, confident and competent. You will learn about how emotions and past experiences affect a children’s behaviors, and concrete tools you can use to help them heal, grow and do better.

You can also use a number of these resources to introduce parents in your community to this new way of thinking about children’s emotions and behaviors.


Key Articles for Professionals

For Sharing with Parents

Short Audios for Parents with New Babies

Events and Classes for Professionals

  • Professionals Intensive – an eight-week intensive course in Hand in Hand Parenting, designed for psychologists, licensed marriage and family therapists, social workers, teachers, child care providers, doctors, nurses, members of the clergy, and parent outreach workers.
  • Stay tuned for our new Foundations for Early Care Educators – Coming Soon.