The Hand in Hand Starter Class

Are you 

  • Unsure how to respond to your child’s aggressive or anxious behavior 
  • Feeling at a loss when your child cries, yells, hits, or tantrums
  • Reacting to your child with frustration, impatience, anger, shouting or other responses you don’t like
  • Feeling isolated in your parenting
  • At your wit’s end with bedtime fights or other power struggles
  • Needing practical ways to increase cooperation and happiness in your home 
  • Struggling to find the joy in your parenting 

What if you had reliable real-life tools that empowered you as a parent and helped you be the calm, patient, secure base your child needs?

What if there was a place for you where your parenting struggles were acknowledged, accepted, and understood?

Join a Certified Hand in Hand Parenting instructor and a small group of other parents like you for an introduction to five simple, practical, and therapeutic tools that will transform your parenting experience and fill your home with laughter, warmth, and cooperation. You’ll confidently guide your child through challenges and build a strong, flexible support system to keep you and your family enjoying these benefits for a lifetime.

You’ll participate by phone and Internet from anywhere in the world.

Register today to reserve your seat.